- DAY 1 2024.10.02
- DAY 2 2024.10.03
Cities in the time of climate change
2 October 2024 • 11:30
-13:00 • Conference room 24
Session translated simultaneously EN / PL
Online broadcast session
Thematic scope
Urban processes and decisions in counteracting climate change. Sustainable cities without barriers – introducing a concept. Urbanisation vs. biodiversity. Urban plans of adaptation to climate change. Urban investments vs. sustainable urbanisation. The energy intensity of architecture, sustainable road infrastructure. The role of grey infrastructure in the green transition of cities.
See the retransmission
Stanisław Barański
Director, Office for Sustainable Development and Transformation, ORLEN SA
Henryk Borczyk
Deputy Chairman of the Board, Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis
Adam Ciszkowski
chairman of the board, Association of Polish Local Governments, Mayor of Halinów
Paweł Jaworski
Director, Department of Climate Change Adaptation and Urban Policy, Ministry of Climate and Environment
Ewa Lipka
Deputy President, Katowice Special Economic Zone
Jarosław Makowski
vice-president of Katowice
Katarzyna Zielonko-Jung
Member of the Climate Council of the UN Global Compact Network Poland, Architect, Chair of Environmental Design, Gdansk University of Technology, Member of the Association of Polish Architects, The Chamber of Architects of Poland and The Polish Solar Energy Society
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