Inauguration session: Climate leadership
Sustainable financial instruments
Climate Talks, pt. 1
Circular economy
Decarbonisation of transportation
Cities in the time of climate change
Managing supply chains
Biodiversity and business
Technologies and innovations for climate
Climate Talks, pt. 2
Polish energy sector: green revolution or an apocalypse?
Small and medium enterprises in green transition
ESG: strategy, practice, reporting
Green construction, efficient buildings
The new, conscious consumer
Climate Talks, pt. 3
Water, climate, Blue Deal
Renewable energy sources
Climate Talks, pt. 4
Culture and art for climate
Green business, sustainable production
Safe and sustainable food
Climate Talks, pt. 5
Hard to decarbonise
Climate education
Nuclear power
Greenwashing vs. ethical communication
Climate Talks, pt. 6
Health vs. pollution
This was the third edition of the two-day PRECOP conference, which precedes and prepares participants for the upcoming COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. COP29 is the largest global forum aiming to formulate a common policy on counteracting climate change.
Po raz kolejny, policzyliśmy ślad węglowy wydarzenia. Całkowity ślad węglowy wydarzenia jest o 16,46% niższy niż w poprzednim roku! The participant's carbon footprint has been reduced by almost 23% compared to last year.