Waste Round Table. Waste management – opportunities and challenges for states, industries and local governments
We have divided this unique debate into three parts to cover the whole of such an important and complex topic nowadays. The axis of all parts will be the relationship between the binding, emerging and proposed regulations and the practice of waste management.
18 October 2022 | 14.15-17.30 | conference room no.23
Admission with a valid ID badge: Standard, Premium, VIP, Media.
UNGC Climate Council on the Polish energy transition
The Climate Council at the UNGC was established in October 2021. It consists of a group of experts representing various scientific and academic centres in Poland and different disciplines of knowledge. The Climate Council prepares recommendations in areas related to climate change. The Council meeting at PRECOP 27 in Katowice will focus on Poland’s energy transition.
18 October 2022 | 17.15-18.30 | conference room no.24
Admission by a special invitation only.
Evening banquets are an inseparable element of good integration and building partnership relations, which become the perfect place to continue informal conversations on the sidelines.
18 October 2022 | 19.00 | Ballroom CB
Admission with a valid ID badge: VIP, Premium, Media.
Ceremonial breakfast of the Climate Positive Steering Committee
The UN Global Compact Network Poland business breakfast devoted to the role and strategy of the United Nations Global Compact in the UN system and the activities of the UN Global Compact Network Poland for the benefit of the climate.
19 October 2022 | 08.15-09.30 | conference room no.6
Admission by a special invitation only.
Business leaders facing climate passivity
Meeting within the Chapter Zero Poland program for memebers of the supervisory and management boards.
19 October 2022 | 11.30-13.00 | conference room no.25
Admission by a special invitation only. Registration is obligatory
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